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Copyright by Brown Bros.

The sugar in liquid form i? then passed through the filter of bone charcoal which we see in this picture. This removes all the coloring matter from the liquid, leaving it white and ready for producing white sugar.

Copyright by Brown Bros.

The syrup now passes into a machine called a vacuum pan which we see in this picture. Here it is boiled to remove the water, and this boiling must be very carefully done, to secure proper granulation and appearance of the finished product.

Copyright by Brown Bros.

The sugar, which is still damp but otherwise finisned, then passes to granulators or dryers, which we see here. It is here kept constantly in motion in steam-heated drums, to remove all trace of moisture and, at the same time, keep it in a granular condition, free from lumps.

Copyright, by Brown Bros.

When the syrup has been Deduced to the point ot granulation and is a halt solid mass, it passes from the vacuum pan to the centrifugal machine which we see in this picture. Here by centrifugal or whirling action the sugar is separated from the syrup, with which it is mixed and becomes granulated sugar.