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A. D.


14. Augustus died.

Tiberius, Emperor. 36. Caligula. 41. Claudius. 54. Nero. 70. Vespasian. 70. Jerusalem destroyed. 79. Titus. 81. Domitian. 98. Trajan.

71. Livy, historian, died.

25. Strabo, historian, died.

65. Seneca, philosopher, put to death by Nero

79. Pliny the Elder died.

79. Herculaneum and Pompeii destroyed by

eruption of Vesuvius.

81, Agricola conquers Britain.

97. Quintilian, orator and writer, died.

97. Josephus, Jewish historian, died.


17. Hadrian, surnamed The Best.

37. He rebuilds Jerusalem.

38. Antoninus Pius. 61. Marcus Aurelius.

80. Commodus.

93. Septimius Severus.

15. Pliny the Younger died.

20. Plutarch, biographer, died.

28. Juvenal, poet, died.

35. Tacitus, historian, died.


11. Caracalla and Geta, sons of Severus.

18. Heliogabalus,

22. Alexander Severus.

68. Claudius II.

70. Aurelian; he defeats the Goths and Germans.

84. Diocletian.

Tertullian, an able defender of Christianity, originally a pagan.

54, Origen suffers martyrdom.




12. Constantine the Great.

30. Seat of Empire removed to Constantinople.

61. Julian the Apostate.

64. Empire divided.

Valentinian Emperor of the West.

Valens of the East.

79. Theodosius the Great, reunites the Empire. 95. Empire permanently divided.

Arcadius Emperor of the West.

Honorius of the East.

16. Arius.

25. Council of Nice.

35. Atbanasius. bishop of Alexander, exiled.

Alaric the Goth invades Italy. 9. Invasion of Spain by the Vandals, Allans,

and Suevi.

10. Alaric sacked Eome. 51. Attila the Hun defeated, 55. Borne plundered by the Vandals under Genseric.

75. Romulus Augustulus, last Emperor of


76. Roman Empire overthrown by Odoacer,

King of the Herali.

7. St. Chrysostom died.

30. St. Augustine died.

It is not deemed necessary to represent the next five centuries by Charts, as little or no progress was made in intellectual or national life during that period.