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一百多年前,很多唐人到美國來建築鉄路,在旅程中,我們 都擠擁在船艙裏,船艙裏很黑暗,空氣非常混濁。我們忍受 了八個星期,才到達金山(美國)。

在中國時,僱用我們的人說:「美國人很喜歡僱用中國 人,而且給很高的薪水。」結果,我們是非常失望。我們 在三藩市靠岸時,當地的人並不喜歡我們。有些美國人用 奇異的眼光看着我們,用惡毒的字眼辱罵我們,甚至用磚頭 和槍來攻擊我們。我們很憤怒和想立刻回中國,但是沒有 能力付旅費,所以便留下來,在中太平洋鐵路工作。

More than a hundred years ago, many of us Tong Yun came to America to build a railroad. We came crowded in the holds of big ships. It was dark and stinking down where we were. We suffered eight long weeks waiting to arrive in Gum Sahn, America.

The men who hired us in China said we would be welcome in Gum Sahn and paid high wages. But we were disappointed. The men who met us at the docks in San Francisco didn't want us Tong Yun in America. We looked different to them and they called us names. They even threw bricks and shot at us.

We were hurt and angry and wanted to go home, but we had no money to pay the boat fare. So we stayed and went to work on the Central Pacific Railroad.

Tong Yun
Chinese people
Gum Sahn
Golden Mountain — America

Copyright 1977 by Children's Book Press / Imprenta de Libros Infantiles. All rights reserved under Pan American & International Copyright.

Copyright is claimed until June 30, 1987. Thereafter, all portions of the work covered by this copyright enter the public domain.

This book was developed and published with the assistance of a grant from the U.S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the polices or practices of that agency and no U.S. Government endorsement should be inferred.